
Spiders are a part of living in Australia, some people hate them… some people love them. Many people have grown up knowing that spiders exist but do not really think about them too much until confronted with one. A lot of people from other countries however are not used to having Spiders around them.

Most species that we encounter on a day to day basis are harmless to us and don’t even try to enter our homes, but there a few that aren’t so nice if you come across them. The most common “dangerous spider” in our area would have to be the Redback Spider, which can give a nasty bite which can make people quite unwell and to some vulnerable people if left untreated could be fatal.

Unlike most spiders the Redback has a messy web and likes to make its web in cool, dark and undisturbed areas.

The reason spiders are treated is to reduce the risk of a bite to our loved ones, kids are particularly vulnerable as they are quite inquisitive and often play with thing or go places they shouldn’t (chasing a ball under some stairs or retrieving it from a garden bed).

Some spiders enter our home and cause unsightly webs or simply frighten us, whatever the situation we can help……………

We offer Spider treatments as a stand-alone treatment or the most common practice is to incorporate the treatment into a general pest service carried out at regular intervals.

Reducing Spider numbers

Vacuum regularly, high and low – particularly sheltered spots such as beneath worktops, backs of cupboards or under/behind large furniture.

Remove spider webs – on a regular basis.

Fill in gaps in doors, pipework and walls.

Remove high risk zones including; Firewood piles, Garden bags, Compost piles and Avoid storing general clutter near the dwelling.

Carry out regular preventative treatments by Calling SJM Pest Management

As with all our services the safety or your family and pets is always our priority.

Contact us today