
Rats are generally regarded as omnivorous scavengers and are mostly nocturnal. It is not uncommon for them to feed during the day if the food is present or if there is an overpopulation. Rats tend to use the same routes of travel and avoid open spaces and often feed out of site.

Mice on the other hand are cautious to a degree but can be very curious and adventurous. Rats and Mice can be found in homes and can use household items to make nests from paper, fabrics and insulation. When outdoors they will nest near water, under buildings, in trees, garbage bins, rubbish heaps and other places where food and shelter is easy to access

Rats can inflict serious physical damage to homes through chewing on electrical cables (which could cause a fire), damaging insulation materials, chewing other building materials to access a particular area.

Rodents tend to be most active in houses during the cooler months as they look for shelter, a place to nest away from the elements for breeding and to store food. Rats and mice are well known for carrying diseases and can easily turn your house into a very unhygienic place, the most common being Plague.


What we provide

  • A full inspection to identify if the infestation is rats or mice.
  • Identify entry points and possible nesting sites.
  • Implement a detailed management and treatment plan, this will usually include sealing access points and implementing a baiting program to eliminate the rodents.
  • Provide advice to help reduce further infestations (site specific).
  • Follow up service to make sure the infestation is under control.

As with all our services the safety or your family and pets is always our priority.


Tips to reduce Rats and Mice around your home

  • Inspect and seal possible entry points around the house, cracks, gaps, openings.
  • Ensure vegetation is not on or near the house, rats can walk along and gain access.
  • Reduce stored items / clutter around the site. This provides hiding places and potential nesting spots.
  • Ensure food sources are sealed and not left open.
  • Ensure pet foods and bird seeds not left on the ground as these can attract rats.
  • Keep vegetation and lawns trimmed to reduce the amount of un detected movement around your property, rats do not like to be out in the open as they have predators as well.
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